This is Terri Trespicio giving a Tedx Talk. She starts of strong by stating, "There is a dangerously limiting idea at the heart of everything we believe about success in general. And it is that you have a singular passion and your job is to find it and pursue it to the exclusion of all other ideas."
She speaks about the "cultural imperative" to choose your passion, pointing out that, "Passion is not a plan." One of the mistakes that we have made is to forget that passion is a feeling that will change again and again.
Trespicio goes on to say that this limiting idea is often present when we speak to teenagers, particularly those in Grade 12, about what they plan on doing with their lives. Many teenagers, if not most, cannot answer the question, "What is your passion?'
Let's be honest. Most people cannot answer the question. If the question is restated, and one is asked, what there passions are, more people can speak to the question. This is because most people have found they have more than one passion. I can answer the question, but I have considerable life experience, and have an opportunity to try many things. Trespicio believes that we come to know our passions by letting passion follow us.
"To live a life of value and meaning , you don't follow your passion, your passion follows you," Trespicio astutely asserts.
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