Set in post apocalyptic Chicago, the novel follows the story's protagonist, Beatrice, who is faced with numerous societal challenges in this dystopian world. Here, there are 5 distinct factions, and each faction has a virtue which they believe is best.
The faction Abnegation values selfishness, Amity values peace, Candour values honesty, Dauntless values bravery, and Erudite intelligence. People can only belong in one group.
I took a short Divergent Aptitude test to determine my faction, and the results were surprising.
What happened to me? I use to be nice, and to be honest, I am not that brave. However, I think the questions let me to answer in a way that would make me seem brave. I tried taking the test a day later and the results were similar.
I have been told twice now that I am divergent. This is an interesting group, if you can call it a group, and it is what the story's protagonist is, which really complicated her life.
This test is interesting. I think if you are someone who focuses on solving problems, you will get results similar to mine.
I tried another aptitude test to see what faction I would fit into at Divergent Aptitude Test.
My results were even stranger:
This is the third time I have been told I am divergent. It might be that the test (just 10 questions) is so quirky, that most people will test as divergent.
On the other hand, when I read the book, I identified most closely with the Dauntless and Erudite factions because to survive in this apocalyptic Chicago, one needs to be smart and brave.
All in all, I don't recommend taking these test too seriously.
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